The Smalls rolled over for the first time today. I thought he could only roll right, and then he went left. So he is officially an ambi-turner*.
What has become of me? This is, honest-to-goodness, exciting stuff in my world these days.
*Zoolander reference. This morning Rob thought I was using that term in a serious context and gave me a funny look like I'd had my nose in one too many baby books.
Set Fire to the Rain
4 days ago
Oh my goodness! I think that picture of him wearing the bear outfit is the cutest thing I've ever seen! And congrats, Michael, on being an ambi-turner! Wish you guys were closer!
Oh my gosh, I miss him SO much! He's so stinkin cute!!!
He's so cute! "Ambi-turner" - hilarious!
Wow, I had no idea a baby could roll over this young. I'm missing him so much. Bear outfit is too cute.
Your little Michael is so darling!!!
Thank you thank you thank you for that video. My kids were out of control but the entire world stopped once they heard the video. Ahhh, peace for a few minutes :)
Sooooo cute! He is an EARLY roller. He's already physically gifted like his mommy and daddy! His crib is so light and airy. I love it. Are you going to have mercy on the poor kid and get him a bummper now? :-)
is it possible that we gave you that bear outfit? i remember giving someone an outfit like that...either way, it is adorable and he is a cutie?
ohmigosh - cutest kid ever AND an ambi-turner.... next stop, World Cup fame. excellent work guys :) Clean & baby-friendly hugs from Delhi
I love how he perseveres through his hiccups to show you his new rolling trick.
Soooo cute!!!! How exciting that he can roll over. I am so jealous that Mom and Dad get to meet Michael for Christmas....I wish I were going to be there too!!!!