Sleeping Babies are the Best!
This is how he always sleeps (if sleeping...which he is getting better at, we hope...). We swaddle him, but he always manages to work a hand out and then sleep on it. It's kinda funny. I usually sleep the same way, but with a pillow between my face and my hand. Like father like son, I guess.
I don't have a picture yet of the frowny, crying face he makes, but it's pretty cute too.
I just wanted to thank everyone here is Sweden (although I doubt any of them read this) for helping us out so much by bringing by meals and offering encouragement. Everyone has been more then generous. I think it is painfully obvious to those that already have kids that we are next-to-clueless as to what to do.
Set Fire to the Rain
4 days ago
Im sure you are doing fine.. We all did it or will do it for the first time...Glad to hear he is sleeping better.
I have no doubt you guys are awesome! Except - POST MORE PICTURES :) Oh and Jackson was NEVER in his swaddle - grrrrr....
Yay! New pictures!
he is so stinkin' cute! Yes, please post more pictures!
Yet another picture where he looks totally different. That's so cute how he sleeps! Maybe he'll sleep better if you just don't swaddle him at all?
Oh, I'm in love with him! Why should he sleep any better than you did when you where a baby?
What a cutie!! Glad you guys are getting help out there:)
He is beyond cute! I bet he slept the same way in the womb. It takes a lot of self control for me not to hop on a plane to come hold the little guy. You need to find your battery charger so we can be showered with more photos!
Cute! He has your haircut as well. Ha!
he is so cute, I don't believe that he would cause any problem at all! Oh wait, he is part Rob...