Ma and Pa come to town...
Last week my parents came to visit.
On Wednesday my Dad and I tried to go watch the Giants play the Nationals: Rain-out. This was the first rain-out either of us had attended.
Lorena and my Mom went to Costco and stocked up on stuff for us to take to Sweden. Like diapers. Exciting!
On Thursday we got to watch the Giants play the Nationals twice: Doubleheader! I didn't get to stay until the end of the second game because I had to work, but I still got to see all of the first game and most of the second. And, after 56 years of being a baseball fan, my Dad finally caught a baseball at a game! I think Andrea actually got the ball, (this happened after I left) but she let me Dad keep it. I think this makes up for the time when I was about five and we went to a Giants game at Candlestick. We were sitting in the shade and my sisters had been complaining the whole time about being cold. They were three. Looking back I am shocked that my Dad took a five year old and two three year olds to a game by himself. What a good Dad! Anyway, their whinning finally got to him and at about the seventh inning we moved from our seats in the shade down to some in the sun. And lo-and-behold, the next inning a guy hit a foul ball that landed in the exact seat (in the shade) where Dad had been sitting! He was ticked. I always thought that was a funny story, since my Dad always remarks how he has never gotten a baseball at a game. Anyway, now I am rambling, so I will just blame that on the percaset.
My Mom, Lorena, Andrea, and Brittany all joined us on Thursday. We saw Randy Johnson get his 300th victory. He is one of only 24 pitchers in all of baseball history to ever get 300 victories. It was pretty cool see, and since it was a wet, kinda gloomy night, and the Nationals are a horrible team, we got to see it with about 2000 other people. Honestly, there was hardly anyone at the game, but just about everyone was cheering for the Giants to get the win because we all wanted to see some history.
I like watching the Giants play the nationals for two reasons:
1. I have watched six Giants-Nats games. The Giants are 6-0. The Nats just suck. I mean the Giants have been pretty bad the last few years, but the Nats are worse.
2. No one yells or cusses at me, even when I wear all my Giants stuff. Pretty much the exact opposite of watching a Giants-Dodgers game in Chavez Ravine (not that there isn't a little bit of fun being hated on by the Dodgers fans. I mean I went to Giants-Dodgers games fully expecting to get yelled at so its no big deal, but this is a little more relaxing). This is because there are no real Nats fans. Its true. They could have the worst, most apathetic fans in baseball. It isn't really their fault, because they didn't have a team for about 30 years, and most people in DC are transplants. Its not that they don't understand the game either, they just have a crummy team, with hardly anyone to root for. Anyway, it makes for a relaxing evening at the old ball game.
On Friday, we got to go on a Capitol "dome" tour. This means we went all the way up to the top of the Capitol. That was very cool and it was an awesome view. On Friday night, we went and saw the Marine parade, at the Marine Barracks. They did all the cool gun spinning-flipping-tossing stuff that you see on Marine TV ads. Also very cool. I didn't even know this parade existed, but if you ever come out to DC you should check it out. Google "marine barracks pararde" or something. Normally I would post a link, but the percaset...
On Saturday, we went up to Philadelphia. I had been there before, but just to watch Lorena race, so we went and saw all the main historical sites. The libery bell was smaller then I thought it would be. Also, I guess my relatives helped keep it safe during the Revolutionary War. Ask my Mom about that...
The highlight of Philly though, was the culinary delights we partook of. I don't have a picture, but we had the best cannollis! The cheesesteaks from Pat's were okay, but the Cannollis we had were amazing. Lorena is going to try and make some soon. If you go to Philly go to Isgro's Bakery. You won't be disappointed.
On Sunday we went to Church, and then my parents flew home. Also, Wednesday and Thursday were my last nigh shifts EVER! So that, combined with all the activities, means I got about 8 hours of sleep between Wednesday and Friday. But it was worth it. I like seeing my family, and I especially like going to Giants games with my Dad. I guess the lack of sleep is good training for Biggie Smalls.
Set Fire to the Rain
4 days ago
I tried a canolli at this place in Union Station. JUST as good. I will get you and Lorena one and bring them over soon. I think I have found a new favorite treat.
it sounds like you guys had a great time! love the pic with your family!
Everyone's posts are making me homesick...only a few more weeks and it's off to wakeboarding we go...and more giants games for you!
Ma & Pa, it makes me think of Ma & Pa Kettle...(an old black & white t.v. show...not an attractive name! Good thing you have your camera happy Mother to record these exciting moments.
I'm sure going to miss you guys.