pre-concert smirk...(that is a toothpick in my mouth in case anyone is wondering)
Lorena and I spent All Hallows Eve at the Coldplay concert. They rocked. Here was the setlist. Before the show we went and had dinner at Zatinya. It was really good. So, great concert, good food, but no trick-or-treating candy for us. That's okay, we still had fun. My favorite song off the new album is "42" and Lorena's is "Strawberry Swing" both of which were played at the concert. I also really dig "Death and all his friends." The grande finale was "Yellow" which is still my all-time favorite, and also the first Coldplay song I heard. This was actually the first concert that we have been to since moving to D.C. How pathetic! We are old. Either that or we just waste our money on other things (i.e. broken carbon fiber bikes, Roth IRA's, vacations, and other things that that will only leave us with memories).
Here is a small snippet of what the concert was like. Sorry I didn't record the whole song, but I wanted to rock out with Lorena for the second guitar change (which is my favorite part.) If Coldplay is coming to your town, and you aren't too cool to admit that they are an awesome band, then I would recommend going.
Anyway, that was our halloween, although Lorena did revive her infamous "Ms. Washington County" outfit for school. I spent most of the day sleeping, since I had worked all night. No costume for me. But whatever - if I'm not getting free candy then I don't want to dress up anyway.
p.s. Please, no comments about my lack of cinematic ability. I'm well aware!
Set Fire to the Rain
3 weeks ago
We drove through Malibu today and had a moment of silence for you. Okay, it was for me. But still, I thought of you guys.
I am very jealous. I love Coldplay. Avery is dancing to your play list right now:)
It looks like you had more fun than trick or treating anyway!
Rob, do you wanna know how I know you are gay? j/k. Coldplay rocks!
we will be seeing them at the delta smelter this saturday. I didn't know what to expect from them live, but I have been told by others, and by you now, that they actually might be great live performers. but then again its at the uranium stadium so it probably won't matter.