Sorry for the delay.
We had to search through a bunch of stuff to find the battery charger for our digital camera. Here are some more pictures of Michael, who is getting fatter and fatter. He has gained two pounds in this three weeks of life. At this rate, by the age of three and a half he will outweigh Lorena and by the age of five he will outweigh me.
Besides taking care of Michael, not a lot has been going on. He is like a black hole of stealing our time!
All captions are what Michael would say, if he could talk instead of cry...
This is me being an insomniac and my Dad trying to keep me entertained by taking photo booth pictures of us with his computer.
Awesome hat: check
Sweet socks: check
stylish diaper: check
shirt from my mom's bike team: check
Looks like I'm ready for a walk.
Don't be so dismissive of my arguments just because I'm young: What I'm saying is that string theory does have a place in a post-modern liberalist society, but not in the realm of quantum mechanics as applied to free-market conservatism. Are you listening to anything I'm saying?
Versii's Campaign
1 year ago
I like the picture of him yawning the best. Cute boy.
Rob, you're so funny! Michael is such a cute baby!
I can't get enough of him, he's so adorable (Michael, that is, not you, Rob)! That last photo actually looks like he's flashing a gang sign - Biggie Smalls style.
love ya guys!
12 days until I get first dibs to hold him, even if he is crying!
He is so cute! Way to go guys!
Oh he is so cute!!!
Lorena, and Rob Congratulations! I keep checking your blog to see if your son is born and he is. Incredible. Great story too - leading up to the birth. Insane stories about your "stuff". Must be hell. So incredible having your child - congratulations!
I totally agree about the black hole of stolen time. Michael is a cute baby! Enjoy him while he's young.