What would a unicorn do? This question was the start of a most excellent road trip to the Tour of Fitchburg. Anna successfully broke into my car and left this most coveted gift - a unicorn folder to hold directions, the race manuel, and special unicorn rules for the rest of our trip.
The first unicorn rule is to enjoy the drive. Driving all day cramped up behind a steering wheel can be such a drag, unless you are willing to let loose a little and pass the time in leisure. Playing the WWUD game, knitting, eating, reading, and napping - all excellent ways to take the edge off a long day behind the wheel.
Only when you are as skilled at knee driving as I am, are you ready to become a true Unicorn.
A second, lesser known rule of the unicorn is to only eat bananas that been kept safe and secure in a banana case. Bananas eaten any other way are SO 2007.
Versii's Campaign
1 year ago
Hope the Fitchburgers "Majestically Galloped" through stage 1...Go get'm. Lots of luck coming your way!
You scare me a little :)
This seems like a grown up version of your love for cats. I will have to develop my theory a bit better, but I'm seeing similarities.
I love every aspect of this blog post. Also, I love the comment by Andrea j. LOL!