Happy Thanksgiving!
Today I woke up thinking this:
"Turkey for me, turkey for you, let's eat Turkey from a big brown shoe."
So I had to hunt down my inspiration on the internet and share.
We lucked out here and got great weather for Thanksgiving this year and will be spending it the way every proper Thanksgiving Day should be spent - sleeping in, mountain biking, playing soccer, and going to our good friends' Tyson and Alicia's house to gorge ourselves on all their food. I don't know exactly how I've been able to dodge the bullet of cooking Thanksgiving dinner so far into adulthood, but every year we've been rescued. Oh, wait, come to think of it - I guess we did host Thanksgiving dinner once - but we BBQ'd steaks and and crab instead. It was the year when Rob convinced me, my entire family, and some friends to subscribe to his theory that "for Thanksgiving dinner, you should eat the food that you are most thankful for" - which we decided was steak and crab. I guess he was right - it was a dinner we were all thankful for. But I'm even more thankful to be invited to someone else's dinner. Thanks Ty and Ali!
Set Fire to the Rain
4 days ago
Hooray for mooching! Glad you had nice weather - it really makes all the difference. We missed you!