It's been cold and snowy
While I haven't give up on commuting by bike, mother nature hasn't been making it easy.
Sweden is apparently in the middle of the coldest December in 100 years! Global warming - ha! My usual 20-25 minute ride without snow has been taking about 40-45 minutes with snow. Oh well.
BRRRR...please take the bus!
I'm impressed you're still riding your bike to work. I can't imagine doing that in the snow, that sounds horrible.
Rob, just think, you could be even colder if you lived in the TC!!! I commented to Sara today on how warm it was! It was 16 degrees. Much warmer than the high of 3 we routinely had last week! Good job on riding the bike. You crazy!
BRR! I can't believe you ride your bike in the snow.
James and I think your crazy!!!!
cu, cu, cu...cold...brrr...I hope you guys survive. :)